Archbishop Malcolm McMahon responds to CSSA Safeguarding Review into Hexham and Newcastle

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has expressed its thanks the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) for conducting an independent and thorough review into safeguarding within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.

The review was commissioned by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool, as the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese following the resignation of Bishop Robert Byrne.   

In his response to the CSSA report, Archbishop McMahon thanked the CSSA and the clergy, staff and parishioners of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle “for their support and contributions”.

“This independent report was commissioned because the Diocese is deeply committed to the highest standards of safeguarding and takes a zero-tolerance approach to abuse,” said Archbishop McMahon.

“The IICSA report and Ian Elliott Review in 2020 called for transparency in safeguarding in the Catholic Church and this is reflected in the commissioning of this report.

“The Diocese accepts all of the recommendations to improve safeguarding practices and to provide pastoral care and support, safety and protection to survivors. Together, we are committed to a safer safeguarding practice.

I would kindly request your prayers for everyone in the Diocese, particularly those harmed by abuse, as we continue on this path towards healing and renewal.”

A statement on the website of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales stated:

“In the light of its findings, the CSSA has made recommendations which relate to the internal safeguarding work of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle; it is incumbent on the diocesan authorities to review and implement these. The CSSA has also made recommendations which have national implications; the Bishops’ Conference will review and examine these and work with the CSSA, as the body they have commissioned to oversee safeguarding in the Church.

“The Bishops’ Conference reiterates that safeguarding lies at the heart of the mission of the Church and will continually develop and refine its policies and procedures in this area. Key to this is the role of victims and survivors of abuse who can inform the work that continues within each of our Catholic communities across the country.

“This clear and conscientious review also shows that the scope of the work carried out to produce these findings affirms the CSSA in its own agency; to investigate safeguarding concerns raised in the Church thoroughly with impartiality.


CSSA Statement

The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) publish their report into safeguarding in the Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. Read more.

Audits and Reports

The Report, and the Executive Summary, of CSSA’s safeguarding review into the Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle:

Executive Summary


The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency

The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) were set up as a response to the recommendations of an independent review of the Catholic Church’s safeguarding, in November 2020 (sometimes called the Elliott Report).
