
Global IT meltdown raises profound moral questions about future threats in the digital world

On Friday we all woke up to one of the largest IT failures in the history of computing. Whilst

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As America ponders future of Joe Biden, it should be wary of what it wishes for

This week has been a dreadful moment for everyone connected to the American Democratic party, as their leader and

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Labour is promising a ‘mission-led’ government, but the real needs are right now

As the dust begins to settle on one of the most remarkable General Elections in living memory, the resounding

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If the youth of today are at Glastonbury this weekend, the Church needs to be there too

Yes, Glastonbury has begun. After weeks of hype about headliners, worries about the weather and the usual tense narratives

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Politicians must understand that solving the healthcare crisis is fundamental to economic recovery

With the world still trying to piece itself together after a once-in-a-century pandemic that threw almost everything we took

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Trump saga has much to teach us about the need to restore trust in UK politics

If ever there was a political decision that was going to raise fundamental questions about the nature of democracy,

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We really ought to vote on 4th July, but for Catholics that’s no easy task

Whoever or whatever you are, cringeworthy moments are simply a hazard of life that can happen to the best

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The UK economy many be turning, but changing selfish habits will be a lot harder

In one way or another past few weeks haven’t been the best for our Prime Minister, so it was

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Crucial free vote on abortion time limits could see UK law shift in favour of protecting unborn

Catholics who’ve been scanning UK news media this week can hardly have failed to read the traumatic story of

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Sadly, today it’s not just Scotland’s political system that is balanced on a fragile knife edge

After what has been less than a year in power, the future of Scotland’s transformative First Minister Humza Yousaf

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Catholic social teaching is not about serving the state, but ensuring that the state serves us

It was with a certain amount of weary inevitability that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced at the Centre for

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Forget warnings about scaling back arms supplies, governments must reject war completely

In the wake of the horrific killing of seven innocent aid workers in Gaza on Monday this week, it’s

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