Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham releases Christmas video message of hope and thanks

The Archbishop of Birmingham has recorded a moving Christmas message of hope and thanks for the coming days.

In his YouTube video, which was filmed in the Nativity scene at St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham, His Grace Archbishop Bernard Longley says that this Christmas we are all facing “so many challenges’.

The archbishop invites us all to stop for a moment in the midst of all the preparations and reflect on “what lies at the very heart of our celebration” – the Holy Family, and the birth of the Son of God.

“We will have seen things that have dismayed us in the world around us,” he says, “particularly the uncertainties about Covid and about whether we can gather together with family and friends.

“We think of those especially who are journeying to find safety – asylum-seekers and refugees – some of whom are looking to find and make their home here among us in the Midlands. I’m grateful that so many communities are reaching out to make them welcome.”

The archbishop pointed out that “the child of Bethlehem was also welcomed by strangers who travelled – the wise men who brought their gifts to him.

“This Christmas let us open our hearts, especially to those in need,” he said.

“To the members of our own families and friends with whom we will gather and celebrate. And, reaching out beyond, into our communities, praying for the peace of the world and especially remembering those who have travelled to find peace with us.”

You can watch the full video message here:

Story by Joseph Kelly of