“We need to demonstrate love of God to others,” says Missio Director at cathedral Mass

Missio’s summer season of Mission Masses in England and Wales got off to a great start when supporters and volunteers gathered for a special Mission Mass at Cathedral of St David in Cardiff.

The Mass was celebrated on 18th May by Archbishop Mark O’Toole, who was joined by Fr Anthony Chantry, Missio’s National Director for England and Wales and Fr Greg Price, Missio Trustee.

In his homily, Fr Chantry thanked everyone for coming and for their “amazing work”; especially the Local Secretaries, Supporters and Promoters.

Fr Chantry noted that it had been 49 days since the celebration of Easter: the Resurrection of Jesus, ‘which determines everything we do, and the driving force of Mission’.

He explained that the celebration of Easter sets the tone for the coming year, because: “Once we have met the Risen Christ, our lives can never be the same. And once we have met the Risen Christ, we cannot just keep it to ourselves.”

Fr Chantry explained that the essence of Mission is letting others share in that joy we receive at Christ’s Resurrection. And, as Pope Francis has explained, the message is always the same: it is the message of God’s immense love for each one of us, shown through Christ.

From this starting point, said Fr Chantry, Christ then asks us what we will do with the love shown for him.

 “I think Jesus might say ‘Well, I can hear the bees but I can’t see the hive!’” said Fr Chantry.

“We’ve got to demonstrate the love God shows to us, to others. That is Mission – being defined by compassion; reaching out to those in need, by forgiveness; by building peace; by challenging injustice.”

Missio, he explained, is an essential channel through which the Church promotes, shares, and supports this mission.

Fr Chantry shared stories from Mongolia, home to the youngest church in the world, started from scratch by missionaries, and the work they are doing to care for those most marginalised and forgotten in society.

He also shared stories from Cameroon, where the Church finds itself caught ‘right in the middle’ of opposing sides in the ongoing civil war, precisely because it provides care to all and the hope of resolution.

Fr Chantry recalled the incredible bravery of missionary Priests which he witnessed on his last visit, the love missionaries bring to people in need, and the hope which their faith instils in them. He explained that through Missio, supporters and volunteers here in Wales play a vital part in bringing Christ’s love to all people, through their prayers and generous donations.